Thursday, March 6, 2014

Not A Moment To Spare

Y'all, jet-lag is kicking my hiney. I can't believe it. And it's not getting any better due to the new littles in our home. Just this morning, Roman woke up an hour earlier than our usual time, so did I have mercy and get up to entertain him? Nope, I made him go back to bed. Literally two minutes later he was asleep, and there I was, wide awake. Cruel, cruel, cruel. I wanted to wake everyone else up in the house, just so we could ALL be on my sleep-deprived schedule. 

So, here are some more promised pictures:

 My little entertainer. Will these pictures come back to haunt him someday, like say...his graduation? Probably.

 Answering his fan mail, tee hee. 

This is the stairway in our hotel in Roman's province. This is the same hotel we stayed at for Johnny's adoption as well. Indescribable feeling being back here two years later.

I am up to my eyeballs in doctor's appointments, dentist visits, and today is our first post-placement visit, which I totally disagree with. This is one of China's new rules, not the agencies. When I am jet-lagged and feel like death, please don't visit me...just call. But no, we are to tell friends and family to stay away during our bonding time, but heck, let's invite a complete stranger into our home to distract us for four hours while someone else has to watch our new kiddos so we can tell this stranger how we're doing. You know how I'm doing? I was fine until you showed up on my doorstep, ms. social worker. I know, I know, you're just doing your job...but please let me do my Mom-job, so GO AWAY!!

I'm probably just a tad bitter because I was informed upon landing that I have a new social worker...the one I had for two years is all of a sudden gone. This EXACT same scenario happened two years ago with Johnny and Lily's adoption. We landed and had to scramble to find a new social worker...a stranger, to come into our home and ask us how we were doing. Please, for the love of everything holy, can someone who has some pull try to get them to eliminate the 1 month post-placement visit??? Please, for our sanity...just CALL us! (Btw, I haven't even received THAT from my agency). Ok, off my soapbox.

1 comment:

  1. What a character! He is going to add a fun layer to your household.
