Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Last Update On Lulu!!!

Merry Christmas to ME!!!!

I'm amazed at the little things God does in my life...just to see me smile. Last night at 9:00 pm (yes, at night) I received an email from my agency with an update on Lulu. The email must have just come in because she forwarded it to me right before she was going to be gone for a two week vacation.

Lulu is tiny!!! Her measurements show that she is about the size of a 3 year old...and she just turned 5! Lily was little, but ummm....round. Tee hee.

So here is Miss Lulu, one last time before I see this little sprout face to face:

Umm...is that Mountain Dew in that cup?? I'm hoping it's pineapple juice or something, or my little one will be going through caffeine with-drawl!! This pic kind of cracks me up...either her eyes are slightly shut when they took the pic or she's sick of having her picture taken, because that's the exact look Johnny gives me when I pull out the camera.

I love her little smile!!

Johnny asked me why her closet was outside. I still haven't quit laughing about that one.

My little girl...love that smirk!

Now that I know my agency worker will be gone for two weeks, I'm wondering if I will receive Fu Chao's update until she gets back. Right now I'm just wondering about that Travel Approval. If it gets here this week it could be a total game changer and I would leave in January. 


Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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