Friday, September 9, 2011

While In The Wait

At this point in my adoption journey I am at a loss for words.  It's just an emotion that cannot even be described.  I have peace knowing my long wait for my LOA has not caught God off guard, but at the same time I feel a gut wrenching agony knowing someone else is tucking my little ones in at night...and it's not me...yet.  People have all the same words to say... "Hang in there, it'll be here before you know it."  I'm sorry, but when you're over 100 days in your wait for a little piece of paper, there's no such thing as "before you know it!"  Then there's the people who offer up every bit of advice and decide to "teach" you by throwing out scriptures left and right, as if you forgot that God was on the throne.  And then, finally, there are those who know you're "going through it" and say...nothing.  Nothing at all.  They say, "Oh, I knew you hadn't received your LOA so I didn't want to say anything."  Nice.  Here's an idea, don't give cute little pep talks like you're a cheerleader, don't fire off scriptures like darts at my face, and don't ignore me because I'm still in the wait this week!  Just use your ears instead of your mouth when someone is going through it!!! Let them vent!  That's when ANYONE is going through ANYTHING.  And when you don't want to hear anymore, give them a pep talk, fifty scriptures, and walk away and ignore them....they'll get the hint. 

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