Wednesday, February 12, 2014

3 Full Days With Fu Chao!

It is early on Thursday here. I am going to give a description of my three days that I have had with Fu Chao, because he is super busy and I can barely post! Monday was beyond amazing, Tue was a day of grieving...not for what he lost, but because he was afraid I was sending him back. He cried the whole day, clinging to me for dear life, telling me he loved me. When we were getting dressed he looked worried, then I put his coat on and mine and he just lost it. I tried google translate but it was actually making it worse. Finally, he hung his head and grabbed his bag of clothes that he had brought with him the day of Gotcha. It was as if he was saying, "Ok, I understand, you're sending me back." I looked at my Mom and said, "We need our guide to translate to him." So we went downstairs and waited...thank God for the guide! He translated, but it was still a rough day. It was all scary for Fu Chao...government buildings, lots of people, then we went to his abandonment/finding place. He recognized it before we were there. He told the guide we were right down the street and he was freaking out...wanting to leave, etc. We drove a bit because the guides couldn't find it, then Fu Chao began screaming in the van pointing at the building...sure enough, the guides confirmed that was the place. It had a red door to the building. It dawned on my later on that he was abandoned in front of a red door almost exactly 5 years ago, and he will be coming home with his forever family and walking through a red door to our home...I love how God takes the wrong in our life...the little things...and turns it into something good. Walking away from a red door of pain, into a red door of love, hope, a family, Jesus' presence, peace.
When we left, he was a new boy. I told him we would never come back there again. We did not even get out of the van.
Then yesterday began testing and hoarding food. It's amazing to watch all of it in action. My Mom is kind of freaking out, but I'm as calm as still waters. I've been so immersed in China adoption for so long, that really, I've got this. I told my Mom at least his hoarding is keeping him busy while we're cooped up in the room. Fu Chao is busy and talkative with people and very sociable, without boundaries so keeping him near me in tight space is best!
Words he knows: cool, ok, good,
He does thumbs up, he understands "hold my hand," come,

Ok, Fu Chao is hungry...time for breakfast buffet!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lisa! What an incredible experience! I remember our Emma freaking out on us when we had to go back the day after our Gotcha Day to sign all the official papers... She just KNEW we were taking her back, and she wanted nothing to do with that building! It was a very rough, very exhausting day for all of us, but the end result was that she finally got it that she was not being left behind again. Praying for continued strength for you and your Mom - and for Fu Chao!
