Thursday, February 27, 2014

We Are Home!!!!!

Whoo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I couldn't post; my VPN quit working on my computer after the first province. I even had two of them and neither would connect. Seriously irritating because I had to lug my stupid, worthless, heavy computer through every single airport. I will post three weeks of pics soon when jet-lag reaches a minimum. 

For now, here's the long and short of it:

We are doing great!!!

Fu Chao saw Daddy in the airport and took off running for him with his arms stretched out yelling, "Baba!!!" My hubby was in absolute tears, as was the rest of the airport. One of those moments you never forget. Min Jia was a little shy, but is doing fine now. Jet lag is taking a tole on her. She keeps rubbing her eyes. Poor thing!

So want to hear some drama from the trip? Landed in Shanghai and the entire airport staff was rude and wouldn't help us get our boarding passes, except for one man. Thank God for him. We missed our flight as did others. Our agency said in over 30 years they've never had that happen. Then we had delays with flights etc, and even coming home, we were on the flight at LAX ready to come home and they had an "issue" claiming it was the luggage door, then called a mechanic, then an hour and a half later (yes, we were all sitting on the plane that entire time) they announced they had an issue with the luggage itself and were going to unload all the luggage and reload again. After sitting on the airplane for 2 1/2 hours, we finally took off.

I seriously thought I was going to have a psychotic episode but jet-lag took over and I feel asleep waiting for them to fix the "issue."

What was sad is people who fell asleep right after boarding waking up thinking we were in Minneapolis and then being told we hadn't even taken off yet. 

I had a really hard time seeing Josiah and Brianna. I couldn't hold back the tears. I really can't believe I held it together for three weeks, without any emotional hiccups. I told my Mom, "I've got this." And I pretty much did. It helps being experienced at all of this. Not one issue with the littles has thrown me. I started working on behavior issues almost from the beginning with Fu Chao...slowly. I agree with what one of my guides many people adopt and just start with the word "no" being said over and over again right after Gotcha Day. Start slowly, work your way into it.

The day before they met you, they had behaviors, and those behaviors won't be fixed overnight. These children are overwhelmed and to hear "no" to everything, or disciplined, etc., can really throw them for an emotional loop, and can backfire. 

So I chose my battles. Fu Chao came with a Coca-Cola in his hand...literally. So when we went to restaurants I let him order it. It is NOT the time to do battle of the wills while in a public restaurant in HIS country when it is a simple food choice, unless you enjoy public melt-downs and your child screaming insults at you in Mandarin and you have no idea what they are saying until your guide translates and you are horrified beyond believe that he associates him receiving Coca-Cola with your level of love for him.  

And Min Jia is doing fine, although she is horrifyingly skinny. I have skinny jeans on her and two layers of clothes on under those. 

I swear Johnny and Lily grew while I was gone. Johnny towers over Fu Chao and Lily is ummm.....pudgy. I asked my hubby what all she ate while I was gone. It was buffets. Lots of buffets. 

Fu Chao and Lily chased each other for over an hour in our house today, which was fine by me because my little lady needs to work off a little of her jelly-belly!! 

My Mom helped make noodles for the kiddos everyday and was good company. I'm so glad she was with me!!

So right now, we are enjoying each other's company. The kiddos are being kept out of school tomorrow just to bond with Fu Chao and Lulu. I am going to relax tomorrow and Saturday, and nurse this jet-lag. 

I cannot wait to go to church on Sunday as a family of eight!!
I'm so glad God took me on this journey of adoption, and I am so thankful to be blessed by these little ones, and right now, at this moment, I am so thankful to be HOME!!!!!

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