Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lily Anna's Foster Parents

Many, many thanks to a lady named Tammy, who recognized Lily Anna's foster mother in a pic I had posted from over a year ago!! It's amazing how God works.... 

In honor of Lily Anna's 5th birthday (January), I posted pictures from the previous year, when she was in China. I had sent Lily a cake and received back pictures of Lily and much to my surprise, her foster mother was in the pictures. Those pictures have been a wonderful treasure for Lily, and I believe, helped her when she came into our be able to see pictures of her second mother.

Well, last week I was contacted through my blog by a woman who recognized Lily Anna's foster mother. She said the woman in the picture looked like the woman who fostered her daughter. She was a little nervous that I would think she was a psycho, ha ha. I've been in that position before, wondering if the receiving end of the email/phone call would think I'm a total nut job, lol. 

Anyway...I'm so glad she made contact with me!! We emailed back and forth...and yes, it's true...Lily Anna's foster parents fostered this lady's daughter a few years before her. Previous to this, I didn't even know if Lily had a foster father, (she could never give me a straight answer...if you know Lily, you'll understand, ha ha).

So here they are, Lily Anna's second parents. 

They took care of her, nurtured her, fed her, loved her, (spoiled her, ha ha), and helped mend her little soul. They showed her the life of a family...took her shopping, etc.  I have all of the reports on Lily's foster life...the truly cared for her. 

This week I celebrated one year with Lily. And I thought about the two sets of parents across the sea...the one who gave her life, and the one who showed her how to live life.

Thank you to both of them...without them, I wouldn't have Lily!

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