Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fun In The Snow

There's not much to report on the adoption end of things...still waiting on fingerprints, so in the meantime, life goes on...and because God has chosen to place me in the Arctic, I have 500 pictures of children in snow.

I really do not like the cold, but I have a daughter who does! 

So she takes Johnny and Lily outside for playtime.

 Well, last week she took them out, went down a hill with them, played, etc. 

I took a bunch of pictures and then darted back in the warm house for shelter. I came back out ten minutes later and this is what I found: 

Yes, Brianna had dug a pit and stuck her sister in it. 

Can you say, "Joseph and his coat of many colors, anyone??" Lol.

(Bible lesson for those of you who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about...Joseph was thrown in a pit by his brothers...only they weren't funning around...and he wasn't chubby and Chinese.)


Was Lily upset?

Sure doesn't look like it to me!!!

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