Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pics With Big Brother

I took advantage of some nice weather and snapped some pics of Josiah with the littles. 

They love their big brother and think he's the coolest person on the planet (besides Baba, of course)!

These two are quite comical together. I really need to get a picture of them when they are "discussing" something. Lily will tell him off with her hands on her hips as if she were his teacher. Then he actually falls for it and the two of them stand there telling each other off. It's hilarious and something I NEVER imagined when I dreamed of adoption...that my towering teenager would engage in a debate multiple times a day with a Type A personality toddler/drill sergeant. Of course, he has a smirk on his face the whole time, so I know this is his personal form of entertainment. :)

I CANNOT believe I got this next series of pictures. Notice the action going on: Lily is playing with the branch, then lets go. It hit Josiah in the face (more like his hair) and they have a good laugh over it. I was impressed I actually got all the action of it!!

Oh gosh I love these two!!

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