Thursday, December 1, 2011


Do you ever have times where you feel like God just slapped you upside the head and told you to get with the program?  Last night, as I was reading the Bible to my kiddos, I had one of those moments.  We've been reading in Exodus right at the point where the Passover had just taken place.  I have a study Bible so I was reading the comments to my children. 

Listen to what the commentary said:

"God doesn't always work in the way that seems best to us. Instead of guiding the Israelites along the direct route from Egypt to the Promised Land, He took them by a longer route to avoid fighting with the Philistines. If God does not lead you along the shortest path to your goal, don't complain or resist.  Follow Him willingly and trust Him to lead you safely around unseen obstacles.  He can see the end of your journey from the beginning, and He knows the safest and best route."

Wow! It was as if that were written It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Ok, God. I get it. I've had a long journey. Every part has been in the slow lane. I will not complain (I don't want to wander in the desert for 40 years, ya know?) So I will trust you and realize there's a purpose in taking the long route at this time. 

The reason God didn't want them to fight is because they were "newbies." They hadn't fought, and God didn't want them to lose faith right out of the gate. 

Technically, I'm a newbie when it comes to adoption. I've never done this before, and although I've been a Christian for two decades, I trust there may be some things God is trying to spare me from...I just don't know what they are.

Sometimes it feels good to get busted by God.  When He shows you He's bigger than you it takes the pressure off. 

And He may be leading me around "unseen obstacles." I love that. Because I know Him and how He operates in my life. Usually, I find out what those unseen obstacles are. Believe me, it may be months or years, but eventually I find out.

Ok God, my hands are officially off the wheel.  
I surrender.
We'll go to China your way and in your time.

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