Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Care-package Has Finally Been Sent

Wow, what an ordeal. It's done!! 
Here is what was included in the package: 

A camera for both children
(so the foster parents can take pictures of them in their home environment, to see a glimpse of their current home life.)

A stuffed animal (a bear) for Xi Yi, as her 4th birthday is January 12, and this is our birthday gift to her.

A photo album for both of them, which includes pictures of us so they can get used to our faces. Just realized right now that I didn't send pictures to Xi Yi of Le Hai or vice versa. Great. Oh well, I mentioned it in the letter, which brings me to the next thing...

A letter to introduce ourselves and describe what we are like as a family.

Here is the family picture I sent:

I didn't think I would get emotional when I received the email with the picture of the items in the care package, but it seems these days everything makes me tear up!!! 

Today a ton of people received travel approvals on a China adoption forum that I follow. They are all about a week ahead of me on their journey...which means according to all my calculations I should receive TA toward the end of next week. We'll see!!!

Just a heads up, as soon as I receive TA, my agency will need to set up our Consulate appointment and then we'll have bonafide dates!!!

I've been figuring this out on the calendar, and if everything goes according to schedule, we could leave either January 26th or February 2nd (a week later).

 Who cares.  I'm ready!!!!

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