Monday, January 2, 2012

5 Days to Send a Care Package

Actually, that should read five weeks. I swear every time I try to do anything technical, it backfires. I've been trying to send a care package to my kiddos for what seems like an eternity. I finally got ready to order it, went through the whole order clicking on all the things I wanted to send, got to the last page and realized I forgot to add something on, so I just hit the back page button, and it kicked me back to the beginning and deleted my order. 

Now, most people can order something in about 5 minutes tops. Not me. It takes me a half hour and that includes a phone call to my sister to decipher and explain the instructions to me. 

So once it deleted all my info, I was shot, and went to bed. That's one day gone.

The next day, I went to order, got through the whole thing and it said I had to use Paypal, which I don't have. My hubby wasn't home to figure it out, so it had to wait until the next day. Day two gone.

The third day I finally got the order done and paid for. Mission accomplished. Then I had to write the letter to my children that goes with the order. I had the letter my phone, which was dead and in the garage anyway. By then it was 11:00 at night. I decided to email it the next day. Day three gone.

Tired yet? The next day, I charged the phone and retyped the letter. The instructions in the care package said to attach 6 family photos to send to our children so they can become acquainted with our faces. Great. I attach the photos to the email and hit send. After an eternity, the email shows an error, and it wasn't sent. I call my techie sister and she said my photos will probably have to be sent one at a time because I have a nice camera and that effects how many photos I can send. Really? Ok, whatever. So I spend the next THREE HOURS of my life sending these photos. I'm not even going to go into the details of why it took three hours. Let's just say me and computers don't mix. Odd, seeing as how I'm on a computer at the present moment. So day four gone.

You'd think the drama would be done, right? No, I forgot to send a camera with one of the orders, so I sent another email asking if she could add it to my order. I haven't heard yet if she can do that. five...gone.

When this care package actually DOES go out the door I will post a picture. It's actually really sweet. I sent a cake to both of them to celebrate us becoming a family and also because Xi Yi's 4th birthday is January 12. I sent her a stuffed animal for her b-day. Also a camera was added so the foster parents can take pictures of them for me. We will receive the photos when we're in China. In addition, I was able to write a letter to both of them introducing us and telling them about Josiah and Brianna. 

Hopefully, they will receive everything this week. I'm amazed I actually accomplished this task!! Why can't I just pay someone to do the whole computer thing???? I need a secretary...who lives in my house. I need like a nerd maid or something. 

I really, really, REALLY should have paid more attention in computer class in high school. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, I didn't even know how to turn the dumb thing on.

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