Monday, January 30, 2012

Less Than Four Days

I know everything will be fine...but I keep feeling like I'm going to forget something.

 Like my passport.
Or my driver's license.
Or my entire travel folder.
Or my tickets.
Or my brain.

I'm down to the basics of preparation...last bit of laundry here and there, eating left-overs to empty the fridge before we go, yada, yada.

Everything is pretty much ready, but I can't help but feel like I must be missing something here. It seems when I read other people's blogs, they just have it all together, bags are packed, blah, blah, blah, but do they SECRETLY stress over the things that I am? 

Ok, I'll confess them to you:

I'm dreading getting up at 3:00 am for the flight. It makes me want to puke. 

I'm seriously afraid I'm going to forget something important.

I'm afraid I'm going to accidentally drink the water.

I'm afraid I'm going to open the brown envelope the we are instructed NOT TO OPEN.

Am I afraid to meet my kiddos? No.
Am I afraid of the flight? No.
Am I afraid of being in a foreign country? No.

God has all that under control. 
I'm afraid of blowing MY part. 

Ok, enough of adoption stuff. 
I know I promised a few pics of Josiah, but guess who's learning how to edit on the computer? Not me, it's him...Josiah.  Guess what he (my 12 year old) did to those pics. He used some editing thing and erased parts of his head, parts of his face....sigh. And because I'm the non-techie, I don't have a clue how to put his head back on his body. Would you like me to post pics of my son with a smudged off head? 

I can't wait to go to China...and no, Josiah's not getting his hands on those pics. 


  1. Getting more excited for you by the day. Angie PS. Are you planning to Skype while you are there?

  2. You crack me up! I was afraid of opening the brown envelope too and the more they told us not to open it the more scared I was!! I'm so excited for you and your upcoming travel. Praying that all goes well!
