Saturday, January 7, 2012

Speed Up! No, Slow Down!!

Ok, I've been AWOL for a few days. Do you know what I've been doing? 


I don't freak out where everyone can see I'm losing my all happens in my brain...the hamster wheel goes into over-drive and I plot, plan, mull things over at a psychotic pace in my mind. 

Here's the adoption process in a nutshell: Everything goes at a snails pace, you beg God to speed things up, complain to Him, then repent, gripe and complain to any and all yahoo groups/adoption forums you can get your hands on. And you SWEAR you're ready to go. 


Then, you finally get to the point where you are waiting for TA (travel approval), it dawns on you that you could leave in 3 weeks and then...

You freak out, whine and complain to God, and all yahoo/forum members, and gripe because there's SOOOO much to do, and YOU'RE NOT READY!!!

Thank God for my husband. He is the calm in my own self-created storm. I tell him all the things I HAVE to do. It's a four page list right now. He listens and pulls out about three things we have to do. The rest can wait, or doesn't need to happen at all.

All is well with the world again, and I can breathe!!!

Ok, so want to see pics of the care packages?

Here's the pic of Xi Yi's bear for her 4th b-day, our letter we sent her and her beyond adorable bunny photo album. Fyi, that photo album is the thing that did me in!! 
It's just too sweet!!!

Here is Le Hai's care package 
(we also sent an extra camera to Xi Yi)

Also, a cake will be sent to both of them on Jan 12, in honor of her b-day. I should get pics right away of their parties. I will post the second I receive those pictures. It will most likely be the last update I receive before we travel!! 

No more birthdays and holidays without 
their forever family!!!!

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