Saturday, January 28, 2012

Random Thoughts

I'm believing today will be a productive day!! This is the last Saturday before we leave and I have to get this packing thing under control. I thought I was all done. It looked simple enough. I told everyone I was done. 

But I hadn't actually packed anything!! It was all on my adoptive son's bed and his I thought it would all fit. Ummm...yeah...about that. 

Here's how I operate, to a tee...I think I have something under control, it goes massively hay-wire, and then I go bat my eyes at the king of organization, my hubby.

Just to let you know, this is a very humbling experience for me. It takes me days to admit defeat and ask him for help. Why you ask? Because he is one of those gloaters. He LOVES to rub it in my face that I'm completely helpless without him. 

He was probably one of those kids when you were in school who would win a game and taunt the losers. I asked for help, which he is going to do today, but I just KNOW he'g going to explain to me where I went wrong. It's alright; I've got my game-face on.

Other things going on in our household right now...Brianna, saying 50 times a day, "I can't wait to go get my brother and sister." It's so sweet watching her, because she wears her emotions on her sleeve, you can tell precisely what she's going through. Lately she's been very clingy and cuddly, especially with her Daddy. And I know exactly what's going on. She has always been a Daddy's girl. And she is SO excited for the littles ones to be here, but at the same time, I know she's wondering if she'll still have all these one-on-one times with us. So I've taken some time this week to reassure them of their place in this family. I explained to Brianna last night that a parent's love doesn't get split between children, it gets doubled, and that somehow God does that, and there's enough love to go around. She loved that response.


Now Josiah, he's like Fonzy (remember that guy), he just plays it cool, not much bugs him...except one thing...that 13 hour flight. That's all he can talk about. What if all the batteries in my game systems die, Mom? What am I gonna do on the plane then, Mom? 

Ummm I don't know son, how a book?????


(By the way, this is the only NORMAL photo I could find of my son...he's always making faces at the camera!! I've decided I'm going to post those, maybe tomorrow.)

Ok, about my productive day, time to get started...time to go bat my eyes and make my hubby figure out my packing disaster.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck!! Thanks for sharing these precious photos. You have beautiful children. Angie
