Monday, January 16, 2012

Chirp, chirp, chirp...

Yes, that is the sound of in, nothing else is going on.

Perhaps I should title all my blog posts as: "Ugh!!"


But it's not just me, I didn't hear of anyone getting their TA today, not on the adoption forums I'm on, not on the Yahoo groups I'm on. So here's the deal, if we don't get our TA this week, then we will travel one week later than anticipated, simple as that. 

But I can't help but feel like I'm in a traffic jam. My whole journey has been like a person weaving in and out of traffic, trying to find the fastest route, only to get caught at a red light at every turn. Why am I constantly in the slow lane? I get the patience part, I think God has made that evident to me that I'm not going to get there faster by ranting about it. But why soooooo sloooooowwwww?

Is it to enjoy the journey?
It's hard to enjoy the journey when you want to bang your head on a wall.

I'm not sure on that one.

I just want to get on with it already. I've read books, read blogs, spoken to adoptive Moms. I've done a lot to prepare. At some point a person just wants to walk through that door. I've prepared my heart, now I want to start the next part of my journey.

Perhaps He's not done preparing little Le Hai or Xi Yi's hearts. Maybe they need a little more time. Maybe their foster parents would like an extra day or two before they have to say good-bye. I don't know. But looking at Xi Yi's foster Mama and how much she loves her, I think I could spare a few more days.

Ok God, patience...and enjoy the journey.

And prepare their hearts, Lord.

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